Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hoolahooping elephants, Motorcycles and Monks with WiFi

So I am now in Ban Phe doing my teacher training in a Buddhist monastery.

The scene of my first day will forever be imprinted in my mind:

We rolled up to the beautiful hillside temple on our motorbikes to discover at least a hundred beautiful bald dark-skinned boys draped in ethereal orange cloth waiting for us from each balcony of their four story building. As we stood dumbfounded at the bottom and the chattering monks stared back down to us, I realized that they were just as curious about us as we were about them. I have no other way of explaining it other than having a feeling like I had landed on another planet to find other beings for the first time. My moment in sharing this mutual curiosity was a glimpse of something profoundly deeper into nature of humankind. As I knelt and bowed to the head Abit, I nearly broke down in tears of overwhelming compassion and appreciation. Then two white poodles ran up and started licking my feet. And I suddenly was getting a tour of the monastery flat screen computer room with high speed WiFi. Are monks into social networking?

Baby its a wild world.

1 comment:

  1. jaamess what are you doing in thailand? please tell me everything. now that i know you have a blog i will check it frequently...hope your enjoying your adventure, much love from the other side of the world <3
